What's more fun than a tire swing? My kids and my grandkids love them. If you have a large enough tree on your property here is the project for you.
Materials List:
Old Tire - Pick one up at the local service station. I got mine free.
Three pieces of one inch link zinc coated chain 4 1/2 ft long.
Three 2 inch U-bolts.
One 5/16 inch Zinc coated quick link.
Roll of Twisted Poly Rope to attach swing to tree limb.
1. Mark the tire using the U-bolts, keeping in mind you want the tire divided into thirds by the three U-bolts.
2. Drill the six holes for the U-bolts.
3. Take the U-bolt apart.
4. Put the U-bolt through the last link of a piece of chain.
5. Install the U-bolt through the holes in the top of the tire. Push the U-bolt down far enough so that no threads show.
6. Hand tighten the screws on the U-bolt and tighten solidly with a wrench.
7. When all three U-bolts and chains are attached to the tire, connect the other end of all three chains to the Quick Link.
8. Tie the rope to the Quick Link.
9. Tie the other end of the rope to the tree.

Old Tire - Pick one up at the local service station. I got mine free.
Three pieces of one inch link zinc coated chain 4 1/2 ft long.
Three 2 inch U-bolts.
One 5/16 inch Zinc coated quick link.
Roll of Twisted Poly Rope to attach swing to tree limb.
1. Mark the tire using the U-bolts, keeping in mind you want the tire divided into thirds by the three U-bolts.
2. Drill the six holes for the U-bolts.
3. Take the U-bolt apart.
4. Put the U-bolt through the last link of a piece of chain.
5. Install the U-bolt through the holes in the top of the tire. Push the U-bolt down far enough so that no threads show.
6. Hand tighten the screws on the U-bolt and tighten solidly with a wrench.
7. When all three U-bolts and chains are attached to the tire, connect the other end of all three chains to the Quick Link.
8. Tie the rope to the Quick Link.
9. Tie the other end of the rope to the tree.
Hint: When you are drilling holes for the U-bolt, flip the tire over and drill 2 or 3 holes randomly for drainage so your tire swing doesn't collect water

Source : dan330.squarespace
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